Air Purifying Plants
Over the last few years, people have been spending more time at home and indoors. Older homes are far more drafty and less airtight than the ones built by today’s standards, which tend to keep in humidity, odours, and toxins that come from everyday living. Because of this, people have been looking into more natural ways to clear out their living spaces of toxins and air impurities. Thanks to a NASA study, we now know that some plants are excellent at removing the nasties from your environment and making it a healthier and happier place for you to live.

Air-purifying plants such as the Calathea and Spathiphyllum “Peace Lily” can not only absorb harmful and invisible toxins that are in the air, but they also help to help improve air quality for you and your loved ones. They do this by photosynthesis, absorbing toxins and chemicals into their leaves and bringing them down into their root system and into the soil, where they are broken down by microbes into harmless gasses like oxygen and released into the air. Studies have shown that at least 15 to 18 plants for a 180sqrm home help reduce toxins drastically. Although, the more plants the better, so you can really filter out those nasties. They also have the added benefit of helping reduce humidity in the air and making us feel a bit better. Because who doesn’t feel their spirits lift when they’re in a room with some fantastic lush greenery?