What plants help to reduce humidity in your home?
Is high humidity an issue for you during summer? Do you have mould and moisture issues during the winter months? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. A lot of Kiwi homes have moisture issues, and while we open windows and air out our homes to try and keep the damp at bay, one of the other ways we can help reduce humidity is with plants!
You might think that having plants would increase moisture around the home, but a lot of plants absorb moisture and help to clear the air in your living space. Humidity-absorbing plants can also help bring the temperature down and remove toxins from the air, helping to purify it.

While all plants absorb moisture from the air around them, some are just better at doing it then others. Plants like Peace Lilies, Phalaenopsis (Moth) Orchids and Calatheas are all amazing at helping to draw in moisture from the air around them by absorbing the water vapor in the air and pushing it through to their root system. This helps to reduce the humidity in your home as well as producing a cooling effect in the surrounding environment.
Using plants in high-humidity areas like bathrooms and kitchens is a great way to help reduce the dampness in those areas, which in turn helps to reduce the possibility of mould and mildew build up. Boston Ferns, Begonias and Fittonias thrive in these areas as they’re all tropical plants.